Solve any relationship issues for deepened love connection and sensuality, heal the past, and reach your potential. SHIFT YOUR LIFESTYLE GOALS TO OPTIMISE YOUR BUSINESS AND WELL-BEING—twelve sessions of deep-impact work.
This one-off session is for those who can already connect to their intuitive senses or are a previous client and would like a quick shift to the next level.
We often abandon parts of ourselves, which can attract negative entities into our energy fields. Gill has the safest way of addressing this situation and will guide you on the root cause. Some unexpected and helpful messages often come through for relationships and soul-purpose work.
Heal addiction, relationship wounds, and childhood wounds.
Gill will help you channel and execute your soul-purpose mission. Your shadow becomes your light, and you become the lighthouse for others—or the next-level version!
3 Week Intensive.
Gill can uniquely discern the subtle nuances of energy, akin to a female Sherlock Holmes. With her by your side, you’ll be guided through the intricate web of understanding and support, which will help you confidently navigate your present and future. You’ll better understand yourself and how it manifests in your roles as a conscious communicator, leader, partner, parent, change-maker, or someone with unique neurodiversity or spiritual gifts. This self-awareness will empower you to focus and harness your superpowers for the greater good. Be visible, have high vitality, feel more aware, and find truth; nothing will hold you back.
This is where your personal journey, passion and challenges all become apparent and ready to be alchemised. You will feel the sense of relief and excitement as the dots begin to join for the now and future.
The strongest sense of knowing yourself and feeling held beginning. Shift by feeling seen and all parts of you become aligned with love, truth and trust in self for infinite possibilities.
24/7 connection and accountability from a quick fire manifestor, seer and mentoer/ coach that has your back and a direct link with your higher self to get the messages in the moment.