Evening Equinox Online Retreat
Introduction to the technique and Equinox through the looking glass portal activation and background on the new channelled tool.
Heidi Smith my intuitive movement facilitator will bring a 20 minute movement practice.
Your energy will be cleansed and we will prepare to raise your vibration for the next session. This will be 2.5 hours of live channelling, activation and facilitation with exactly what is appearing for you.
1-2-1 Energetic Mapping and Transformation
This 1-2-1 session with both me and a member of my Crystalline Mastermind and incredible ‘seer’ Jayne Tricker, will give you the ultimate energy audit.
Find out your personal energy colour patterning and what it means. Plus the energetics of what may have been holding you back from lifetimes, karma or your ancestry. Together we will know the keys to your ultimate expansion and the first introduction to the 9th Dimensional energy. This will be 90 minutes.
2 x Experiential Spiritual Masterminds
Come to this session to align, focus and continue the journey of deeper awareness as we connect and experience the next layer of integration and teaching on a personal level. This will be 2 hours and you will be activated each time.
1-2-1 Personalised Tracking of Expansion
A deeper dive into how the ultimate up-level experience is showing up in your life, how you are responding to the tools and receiving unconditionally and absolute clarity on your next steps . This will be 90 minutes.
Circle Completion
A further activation and evening session as we prepare to ride the big wave of energy through until the end of October. Jessica Harrod Luminous Collective Member and advanced breathwork coach will bring 20 minutes of gentle breathwork This will be 90 minutes of activation, mentoring, and completion.
This is for you if…
You consider yourself as an Intuitive leader, coach, healer, facilitator, therapist, Starseed, or someone on their awakening journey.
Plus you are definitely feeling the pull to free yourself of the unhelpful fear consciousness and see how that cascades into abundance with your life.
Also, you wish to journey and mastermind with other leaders on this high frequency of light.
This is not for you if…
You wish to remain in old subconscious patterns and B.S. stories of the past, which is like ‘litter wrapped in glitter’.
It is restriction energy which feels safe like a comfortable dirty old pair of slippers that you keep because they are so familiar.
Why is this date so important?
The planetary energy leading up to the time 20.20 on the 22nd September 2021 is about being in your light and moving through any fears in a whole new way so that you can not only up-level yourself spiritually but your beacon of light is amplified to call those who you are here to serve.
The Outcome
You will be gifted a 9D technique I channelled with the help of the Crystalline Mastermind Lightworkers, specifically so you feel empowered to move from fear into light-based decisions and attractive higher vibe experiences with money and relationships.
This is deep work with extremely high vibrational outcomes.